One of the things that has always plagued me about being a SAHM (stay at home mom) is leaving all the financial burden on my husband's shouders. My being at home was his idea and he is not upset at all about our arrangement. I am the one with the problem. I have always been so independent and leaving everything in his hands is hard for me. At first I stayed on call at my old job for about a year and half. Then that dried up and I had to move on. Then I babysat my niece for a while. Then that also went away when my brother in law was laid off. I will be watching my sister's new baby in about a year, but I need to do something before then. I have been searching the internet and the classifieds for something I could do that would not affect my husband's schedule. I then came to the conclusion that there is really nothing that I can do. His schedule takes up so much of the day. He works eight hours at the prison five days a week. He often stays for an extra eight. So any job that fell within the hours of 1:30pm-6:30am was out of the question. Doesn't really leave much time for any potention employer to work with. I gave up for while. Then I saw that other moms like me were calling themselves WAHM's. I knew what SAHM mom meant, but had no idea what a WAHM was. Then I looked it up and a lightbulb went off in my head. WAHM means Work at home mom! Well I could definitely do that. Right? Maybe not. I had no skills or education that would alllow me to apply for a job that didn't care if I was in the office or not. Then I thought about all the pages I had become a fan of on Facebook. All those women were mothers and most seemed to sell handmade items as their sole income. It seems so easy. Post what you've made and take a custom order every once in a while. I can do that! I love to crochet and I am pretty darn good at it. So this last week I took the plunge and reserved the name "All 4 my 2 Creations" on Etsy and Facebook. I have already made a couple items to sell. I have also sold 4 changing pad covers that I sewed. Its a start and a happy one at that. I have definitely learned that I like seeing my projects being used by other people. I will not be sewing much more until I get a better machine though!!! I thought I was going to throw that thing out the window. Crocheting and knitting are my passions and I will definitely be staying with those. I am so happy to be taking this plunge. I hate not making any money. Maybe its me, but I just don't like being taken care of. I want to feel like a participant in the finances and now I get to feel that way again! And of course the business had to be named "All 4 my 2 Creations" because everything I do is about the little people that I have brought into the world.
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