So I have decided to just go with a template that I found on someone elses site. I am pretty pleased with this template. I have also started a blog on wordpress. I am going to run the two side by side for a while and see which one I like the most. Using someone elses template has caused there to be some problems with elements that I added. For example my signature has a white background. So it shows up funny on this new layout. Not to hard to change. Some of my personal touches disappeared that I would like to have kept, but I will figure out how to put them back in. I also have had to take out some of my personal touches that just did not match the new look. Now why couldn't those have disappeared? That would just be to easy I guess; and I am not that lucky. But all in all I am pleased with the way this blog now looks. I am glad to be almost done with the headache of searching out information and tutorials on how exactly to do this. I am not someone who should be messing with HTML codes and the like! Now I can focus on the few elements and personal touches I want to add and then start blogging again about my two wonderful children :)
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