Because Motherhood is a journey!


So why the name?

So why the name Discovering Motherhood? My husband asked me this today. He was laughing about it because our first child is 4 years old. Yes it sounds silly, but I believe that motherhood is a journey. Yes I have been a mother for a while, but I have never mothered a child who goes to school, a teenager, or a child who is married and starting their own family. I will someday and my style of mothering my children is going to have to change a little to accomadate where they are in their life. I also am trying to figure out what is the best way to mother two children! My son was born 9 weeks ago and I am finally coming out of the stupor of sleeplessness and extreme exhaustion that all parents must endure for the first two months. Now that he is starting to interact (and sleep!) I am starting to think about how I am going to entertain two kids. I am not sure how its going to work, but I am pretty sure it'll work out. To bad we didn't have them closer together. There is definately some draw backs to having kids so far apart. There is also some pluses, and my husband not pulling out his hair is definately a good one.

On a different note. I got my craft on and made my daughter a pair of lounge pants. They turned out so well my husband saw them and said, "You just couldn't wait for me until you opened up those Christmas Eve PJs could you?" I must admit they do look about the same as the ones we've bought :P. I was suprised at how easy it was to create my own pattern and sew up the pants. I was so afraid of sewing a curve ( I am no seamstress)but it wasn't hard at all. You've just got to go slower than usual. I have a ton of fleece and flannel that I bought as remnants from Joanne's Frabrics for a great price. She's going to end up with a lot of pants to lounge around in. I am thinking of cutting out part of the pattern and making an applique for a shirt so that she has a matching set. I just love making things for small children! It doesn't take much fabric or time and as long as its comfortable they are so excited to wear your creations.


So why a blog?

So why do I need a blog? I started a blog so that I could document the years that my children are young. Things are changing so fast and they're growing so quickly. I don't want to forget all the little details about my babies growing up and my slowly discovering exactly what kind of mother i want to be. So a little bit about myself: I am a 28 year old mother of two wonderful children. My daughter is 4 and my son is 9 weeks. I am married to a wonderful hardworking man. His working so hard allows me to stay home and enjoy our children to the fullest. I enjoy crafts, cooking and other domestic pursuits.